
Will AI cause life sciences real estate to become obsolete?

This on-demand webinar explores the impact of AI advancements on real estate and facilities. Our expert panelists share their insights on how AI might reshape the way life sciences companies think about and take action related to their real estate. Will physical spaces become obsolete?
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a game-changer in life sciences. AI tools and technologies are revolutionizing data analysis, predicting demand, and transforming drug discovery, design and repurposing. Not only does AI facilitate scientific breakthroughs, it also fosters creativity and collaboration among scientists, propelling innovation to unprecedented heights.
This transformation brings opportunity, but it also leads to unknowns. As discovery and implementation evolves, what does this mean for the physical spaces where therapies are discovered, nurtured and manufactured?
Watch this cutting-edge virtual event to explore how AI might reshape the way life sciences companies think about and take action related to their real estate.


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