
Tourism Readiness Index

True destination readiness goes beyond simply offering visitor attractions.

True destination readiness prioritizes a reliable infrastructure that supports the tourism ecosystem, fosters a balanced economy with diverse sectors, nurtures a robust resident base, implements a pro-tourism policy framework, and upholds a strong commitment to environmental well-being.

Tourism Readiness Index fosters sustainability

Developed in a partnership between JLL and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the Tourism Readiness Index is a globally standardized assessment, underpinned by principles of destination resilience and sustainability, and serves as a credible source of information that considers both public and private initiatives across various destination sizes and ecosystems. It identifies distinctive tourism opportunities and prioritizes investment decisions, serving as an incubator for all projects and strategic directions, while identifying opportunities for private sector involvement and fostering partnerships.

Key features and benefits of the Tourism Readiness Index

The most salient features of the Tourism Readiness Index are its comprehensiveness and capacity, allowing destinations to evaluate their tourism ecosystem and tailor their approach based on their specific priorities for sustainable development. Featuring 75 indicators across eight pillars, the Index considers factors such as scale, concentration, leisure and business offerings, environmental and urban readiness, safety and security, and tourism prioritization to determine readiness, and serves as a benchmark for monitoring progress and forecasting growth scenarios.

The Tourism Readiness Index is a versatile tool that enables destinations to manage growth across eight pillars and measure success holistically. This invaluable assessment offers insights, benchmarking, and strategic approaches to industry growth for destination organizations and policymakers. With a focus on sustainable development, the index helps destinations pursue tourism expansion while also facilitating the evaluation, planning, and adoption of optimal practices. Through utilization of this ground-breaking framework, destinations can ensure their path towards achieving a sustainable balance in tourism development.

Destination Archetypes

Discover your destination’s archetype. While each destination has unique characteristics and aspirations, there are commonalities that can be captured through the index’s five distinct archetypes. Find out which archetype best represents your destination to uncover the opportunities and challenges each presents.

  1. Dawning Developers: Limited tourism infrastructure with opportunities ahead for planning

  2. Emerging Performers: Growing momentum with rising infrastructure

  3. Balanced Dynamics: “The Sweet Spot”

  4. Mature Performers: Established tourism infrastructure while proactively addressing pressures

  5. Managing Momentum: Continued tourism growth outpaces capacity building

How ready is your destination? No matter the size or location of your destination, get in touch with us today to discover how the Tourism Readiness Index can assist you in evaluating and enhancing your destination's readiness.

Fill out the form to download the report


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