
Myth #2: Who needs to go to work anymore?

The future of work: AI and the workspace

Picture this: one day you’re working with your artificial intelligence (AI) assistant as it prepares your agenda. Just when you think you're about to join a call with your finance team to discuss your upcoming earnings report, the head of your board of directors pops up on your screen asking for the latest figures. But was it really the chair? Or was it your chair’s AI doppelgänger? Lest you think this is science fiction—it has already happened, and the impact is revolutionizing how we use technology in every aspect of business. A fraudster in Hong Kong used deep fake technology to pose as a chief financial officer and convince a finance employee to move $25 million to an outside account. 

How much can we trust our very own eyes and ears? 

In a world where deep fake technology can convincingly mimic the appearance and voice of trusted colleagues, the importance of physically being in the office becomes even more apparent. The incident in Hong Kong serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers that exist in digital-only communication. Trust in the office workplace is built on established relationships and the ability to physically confirm the identity and authenticity of your colleagues.

While many may argue that physical workplaces are becoming obsolete, we call this a myth.  

AI isn’t here to replace the office…but to enhance it.

Trust and collaboration

While the office landscape is constantly evolving, it’s far from disappearing. AI is adding unprecedented value, requiring offices to adapt to the emerging needs of your business and your employees. Future office space won’t resemble the cubicle farms of the past. These spaces will be designed to foster trust, collaboration and creativity in ways that remote setups can’t fully replicate.

Trust is an essential element of any relationship, let alone a professional relationship, and it’s challenging to establish through a screen. Having a physical office allows you to foster the connections essential to building and maintaining a bond amongst your employees. 

Professionals today can use generative AI tools to plan out the space they want to create. From technology that dives into workplace data that provides executives with insights on portfolio optimization and space planning to identify cost-savings within their space. Using these AI capabilities, leaders can make informed, strategic decisions that align with fiscal goals and employee satisfaction.

But it doesn't stop there. Integrating photorealistic 3D video walkthroughs created by AI-powered technology brings an immersive virtual experience that takes decision-making to the next level. Prospective tenants can tour spaces in a fraction of the time and at a significantly lower cost than traditional methods, allowing them to make swift, well-informed leasing decisions.

Today’s buildings that promote the office's irreplaceable elements are likely to see higher tenant satisfaction and happy tenants are more inclined to renew their leases. Offices with those features are likely to increase employee retention and happy employees are more likely to be engaged and motivated. 

Blending technology with physical environments

So, what will the office of the future look like? 

Imagine incorporating advanced virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies to create immersive work environments. Or adopting AI-driven tools that fine-tunes HVAC operations to achieve optimal temperature control and air quality. This technology not only reduces operational costs but also creates a comfortable environment that enhances employee well-being and productivity. 

When employees are comfortable, they are happier and more productive—a win-win for any business. These advancements are already happening and promise to turn office spaces into dynamic, adaptable environments that meet diverse needs—from virtual meetings to hands-on training. 

If you’ve built a foundation of trust and collaboration within the physical office, your employees will be more open to embracing a digitally enhanced future. 

A Thriving Future for Office Spaces and AI

Rather than replacing physical workplaces, AI and remote work technologies are driving us to rethink and reinvent. By blending the best features of both—using advanced tech while preserving the indispensable human elements of trust and collaboration—we can create workspaces that thrive in the face of change.

The office of tomorrow isn’t a relic of the past but a part of the future, powered by AI.

Learn how to unlock the full potential of your workplaces and buildings with AI.