
Cybersecurity in the
era of modern

How asset managers and owners can tackle cyber risks and keep hackers at bay

Although Hollywood’s romanticized depiction of cybercriminals is mostly over the top, it does get one thing right: as buildings get smarter, so do the people that attempt to hack into them.

The same innovative remote-access systems and smart thermostats that add convenience and enhance property management are vulnerable to cyberattacks.

To safeguard their assets and the tenants that occupy them, landlords need to provide a digitally secure environment that accounts for the growing number of IoT devices used within office buildings.

Cyberattacks and security breaches can happen anywhere, anytime, even via the most unconventional routes, like HVAC systems and fish tanks.

Download this white paper to learn what specific things you can do to safeguard your building from cybercrime and ultimately make your building more competitive in the market. 



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