
Create a baseline and benchmarks for your sustainability program

Download this checklist to start setting realistic sustainability goals for your corporate real estate

Committing to meet specific sustainability milestones is the easy part. Making a plan and acting on those commitments? Not so easy. 

After months of kicking the can down the road, an increasing number of companies across industries are getting serious about cutting carbon from their real estate and other operations. Real estate, which represents around 40% of all global carbon emissions, is an obvious (and easy) place to start.

No matter what framework you’re using to meet your organization’s sustainability commitments, creating a baseline and benchmarking across your real estate portfolio and against your peers is the most critical foundational step. Plus, climate-focused SEC regulations are on the way. Measuring and reporting on annual GHG emissions will soon be a requirement. 

Take the first step toward a sustainable future

Knowing what and how to measure is critical to giving your organization the data it needs to meet its sustainability targets on schedule. But remember, achieving your climate goals is about more than just fulfilling government requirements. According to JLL research, 42% of corporate occupiers believe that their employees will increasingly demand green and healthy spaces. Acting now is important not just for the climate, but for the future success of your business.

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Before you can set your plan and start taking realistic action, you need to understand your sustainability starting point and then benchmark your operations against others.

Follow the steps below to jump-start your sustainability program today. 

Fill out this form to download the checklist


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