Share of remote job postings is declining as the labor market softens

  • Jacob Rowden
  • As labor market momentum has slowed, hiring for remote functions is the first segment showing a notable reversal, as the share of new job postings in July that were designated as remote fell to the lowest level since January.
  • While new job postings in the technology, finance and professional services industries in July edged down just 4% from peak volumes, the volume of remote job postings in these industries has fallen by 27% since May.
  • Remote job listings are becoming especially scarce within government and other public-sector white-collar roles, where the share of remote listings peaked in October 2021 at 22% but comprised just 8% of job postings in July.
  • Generally, the fastest-growing markets have relied more on remote work to expand employment bases—gateway markets have consistently averaged a lower share of remote positions compared to the country as a whole.