Client story

A destination for Visit Tampa Bay

How its new space helps inspire tourism

Square Feet



Three uses in one location -- general office, event and retail spaces

Driving visitors to Hillsborough County defines the mission of Visit Tampa Bay, so without question the organization should occupy an office space equally as engaging as the destination it represents.

When Visit Tampa Bay set out to find a new location, it faced the challenge of marrying not two, but three uses – general office, event and retail – into a showcase-worthy space with a smaller footprint and bigger visual impact within stringent budgetary guidelines.

Having unparalleled knowledge of the Tampa Bay commercial real estate market, we identified 16,000 square feet, punctuated with breathtaking skyline views, where all uses cohabitate freely in a footprint reduced by a quarter. We then optimized the economized space to highlight Tampa-focused features such as works by local artists.

Visit Tampa Bay has now arguably become a destination onto itself. Says Tampa Bay COO JoLynn M. Lokey, “There’s a vibe and energy here that matches what we do as an organization that we didn’t have before."