Employee story

From business knowledge to Property Management building systems

Assistant Chief Engineer utilizes a unique skill set and passion for efficiency to deliver value to clients.

September 16, 2024

Tyler Maeger has always enjoyed seeing how different components work together, first as a child taking apart go-kart motors, and now taking apart entire building systems to ensure his facility operates efficiently.

As an Assistant Chief Engineer at the Norfolk Southern headquarters in Atlanta, he’s using an atypical educational and career history to provide added value to the client.

“I’m a unique case,” he says. 

Tyler’s father was a senior superintendent for a commercial general contractor, and he grew up visiting his dad at different job sites. His interest grew throughout high school, where he took engineering and architecture classes. But after taking a couple of prerequisite courses in economics at Armstrong Atlantic State University, he changed his path, earning a degree in economics.

“I enjoyed seeing how business and economics went together,” he says. 

Today, that knowledge helps JLL, and his clients at the building. 

“That’s what I really enjoy. It involves a lot of research on how to find ways to operate more efficiently by going over schematics and analyzing current operations,” he says. “My background played a huge role to what I’m doing now. I’m able to read and understand the language of the building’s design intentions.” 

After college, he applied, and was hired for, a property administrator position on JLL’s Industrial Property Management team. For the next three years, he applied his business knowledge to managing multimillion-square-foot industrial portfolios, overseeing construction, drafting contracts and understanding lease obligations, among other duties.

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“That gave me the skills of an office employee, and I can use those skills to speak the language of the clients,” he observes. “But I hate to say it — sitting down at a desk all day was killing me. My General Manager at the time was very helpful in encouraging me to find another path. Having the shot to gain the skills from both sides of property management was unique, and I wanted to take advantage of this great opportunity.”

He transferred to a position as operating engineer, and has risen rapidly to his current position, where he focuses on leading his team, overseeing building systems and managing various projects. Sharing the load with Senior Chief Engineer Phil Flowers, Tyler is now serving as an engineering mentor and teacher for his teammates and learning new methods of workload delegation.

He also cites his Senior Director, Regional Engineering Manager Stacy Shirley and Group Manager, Senior Vice President Wendy Tomich for their encouragement. “I hope to bridge the gap between engineers and property managers, and by doing so, create strong employees that attract new clients and bring great value to the company.”

But he can’t leave the tinkering behind.

“I like to get out of the office, get my hands dirty, so to speak, and help others where they need assistance,” he says.

Even newly constructed buildings have their issues, he observes.

“Everything is built to operate how it was designed on paper, and I enjoy finding these issues and correcting them, cringing value to JLL and clients alike,” Tyler says.

Fortunately, Tyler and Phil were involved in the turnover process at the Norfolk Southern headquarters, working closely with the general contractors to ensure all systems were operating according to plan. That’s especially critical for the tech-heavy Smart Building, which combines intelligent operating systems with customized employee applications to encourage engagement and wellness. That early preparation has also allowed the team to develop training tools that will benefit operations professionals well into the future.

They even undertook a cost-saving analysis for the client to ensure they were getting the best possible value.

“We saved the client hundreds of thousands of dollars just from doing projects in house in the past three years that others would hire outside contractors for,” he added.

These repairs ranged from in-house construction projects to motor and pump rebuilds and installs, overhead and underfloor pipe repairs, metal fabrication and redesigning building systems, among others.

And, encouraged by JLL, he remains a student, pursuing a Certified Professional Supervisor certification as well as hoping to earn a LEED designation in the future.

“I believe it’s important to get as many certifications that would be beneficial to what you’re doing,” he says.

And he hopes the future will include ever more leadership roles, including becoming a chief engineer at his own property, to possibly moving into a more regional role.

“But I want to be a hands-on leader,” he adds.

An avid outdoorsman and Atlanta Braves fan, Tyler spends his off-time hiking and fishing on his boat, attending games and concerts, and spending time with his three-year-old golden retriever.

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