
Checklist: Is FM keeping pace with your healthcare network?

Patient outcomes benefit when facility management is equipped for high performance

In the healthcare setting, improved Facilities Management (FM) will support your entire organization, and potentially create opportunities to save millions of dollars annually, improve safety and create a consistent patient experience. For example, pinpointing where a healthcare facility can save $1 million in operating expenditures could result in $33 million in additional revenue with the correct implementation. These savings can go toward recruiting caregivers, updating facilities and supporting patient outcomes.

The first step toward optimization is to assess your current state. With performance information on hand, you’ll be able to prioritize areas for improvement. That’s why we’ve created a checklist to help you see how well your FM operations are performing amidst leading practices and industry standards.

Topics include:

  • Training and development
  • Compliance readiness
  •  Operations performance
  •  Facility performance optimization
  •  Sourcing strategies
  • Energy and sustainability management
Fill out the form to download the checklist


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